Porous paving systems include interlocking plastic pavers, heavy-duty recycled paving grids and reinforced natural grass systems that are an alternative to impermeable hard paved surfaces which form part of a SuDS source control system.

Using a permeable pavement solves a number of problems associated with managing stormwater in a sustainable way. The hydraulic capacity of a porous pavement can accommodate rainfall landing directly on to it and also from adjacent surface catchments, including roofs.
Terageos offer systems that can be used to create grass or gravel finishes for varying levels of traffic.

Sudspave can be used for traffic such as cars and vans, while Truckcell provides a solution for HGV and other heavy vehicles.

The design and specification of the individual components within a sustainable paving / permeable pavement solution is entirely project specific, but will typically comprise a porous surface laid over an open-graded, granular sub-base that satisfies the structural and hydraulic requirements of the project.
Permeable Gravel Surfaces
The combination of surface options facilitates an enhanced level of flexibility and choice in satisfying the aesthetic requirements of the project. Stabilised gravel can produce a much wider variety of different finishes to complement the development than a porous concrete system could offer. Porous plastic pavers enable a trafficable permeable surface and are used in the construction of gravel car parks, fire engine access roads, driveways, paths and access routes. Interlocking plastic porous paving grids provide ground stabilisation, retain gravel in-situ and can be used as part of a SuDS source control system.

Sudspave porous plastic pavers are ideal for gravel car parking, gravel driveways and paths where a heavy load-bearing stabilised permeable gravel surface is required. Sudspave retains the gravel within its cells and allows rainwater to permeate into the sub-base beneath.

Truckcell heavy-duty paving grids are a heavy load-bearing paving grid ideal for HGV access roads, lorry and truck routes, emergency fire access roads, bus and coach parks and loading areas.
Permeable Grass Surfaces
Reinforced grass surfaces to support car or pedestrian traffic need to protect the grass roots, provide ground stabilisation and be permeable.
Sudspave porous grass pavers are an open-cell interlocking plastic paving grid that allow optimum grass growth, are permeable and provide a structure-free natural grass surface. Using Sudspave grass pavers results in a natural grassed surface with high-loading bearing capabilities, stabilised ground and create a permeable SuDS compliant surface solution.

Truckcell paving grids are suitable where grass is required to be used occasionally by heavy vehicles, such as HGV trucks and lorries. Typically used for grass access roads to wind farms, power stations, grass lay-bys and fire access routes.