Park and Ride Car Parks

Park and Ride Car park schemes are designed to manage and reduce the peak flow volumes of vehicular traffic entering congested city and town car parks. However, increasingly strict Planning Regulations and Environment Agency controls require these large out-of-town parking sites to provide innovative, engineered reinforced surface solutions which are also SuDS compliant and environmentally sympathetic.

Conventional hard-paved park and ride car parks in sensitive edge of town and rural locations are becoming less desirable or acceptable. Contemporary car parks need to combine safety, sustainability and practicality with stable, durable, engineered and aesthetically acceptable surfaces. Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) which attenuate surface water run-off must be considered alongside options such as reinforced gravel and grass surfaces to further limit visual and environmental impact.

A robust cellular permeable paving system is often specified for car park access roads, parking bays and service bus turning areas. Interlocking porous plastic pavers provide a surface stabilisation solution that is free-draining and can be designed in conjunction with a SuDS system to manage rainwater run-off. Cellular plastic pavers can be filled with selected porous gravel that is retained within the grid cells or can be grassed to blend in with the natural environment to accommodate the increased desire for green surfacing wherever practical.

Typical applications

  • Retained gravel car parking bays
  • Grass parking bays
  • Overflow grass parking
  • Retained gravel aisles and access roads
  • Bus and coach parking & turning areas
  • Service Access routes and Fire Lanes

ABG supply the following products that are suitable for stabilising grass or gravel car parks:

Sudspave Permeable Paving Grids

Sudspave plastic paving grids are an interlocking permeable paving system designed for traffic applications where a free-draining stabilised surface is desired. The pavers can be filled with a gravel fill or grass finish and are ideal for parking bays. The construction profile allows rainwater to run-through the paver fill, through the permeable sub-base and into the sub-soil.



Truckcell Heavy-Duty Porous Pavers

Truckcell™ is a heavy-duty, cellular porous paving system designed for intensive usage and high-load traffic applications. Suitable for bus and coach parking, turning areas and lay-bys. With a gravel fill, the plastic grids provide a structural surface for car parking bays, lorry parking, bus / coach parking and turning areas. A grass fill is suitable for parking bays and lay-bys.


The ABG technical team work with clients to design and supply suitable SuDS compliant park and ride car parking solutions that meet environmental guidelines and local planning requirements. Contact our team with your project requirements.

Additional information

Contact Teragéos for further information

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