Revegetation requires retention of the nourishing earth either by, geocontainers or on the surface by anti-runoff canvases, and often using the two combined.
Geocontainer structure for retention, filtration, drainage and revegetation: teracro®
Natural canvases for revegetation: teranat®
Under rockfills
Heavy mechanical loading on the slope using large blocks and heavy hydraulic loading due to the hydrodynamic impact of the waves creating a variable filtration rate led téragéos to design the terabloc® F-VNW product range.
Two-layer needle-punched nonwoven for filtration and puncture resistance: terabloc® F-VNW.
Wake and wave protection
Wave action or excessive erosion requires imperceptible embankment protection, by small blocks held within a geocellular structure.
Small 100-250 blocks in geocontainer structure for filtration, drainage and retention: teracro®