Trench drains
The trench drains used to collect water seeping into the embankment structure are traditionally created with drainage stone but can be replaced with prefabricated barriers manufactured on a customised basis. They are quick and easy to install and comprise a needle-punched nonwoven composite sheet with a network of mini-drains: teradrain® RIV.
Screens made of a needle-punched nonwoven composite with a network of mini-drains for filtration and drainage: teradrain® RIV
Drainage blanket
The stabilisation of embankments, often in excavations with water infiltration, is treated with drainage blankets comprising a geotextile filter with rockfill on top. The teracro® TD geocellular structure is the efficient, economical alternative. It allows the site materials to be re-used and ensures retention and drainage.
Geocellular drainage structure for filtration, drainage, retention and vegetation: teracro® TD