Project description
The project aimed to stabilize existing roadways and new drivable paths at the SNCF railway line.
The in-place soil had a bearing capacity of 25/30 MPa, insufficient for the project’s needs.
The project’s goal was to achieve an EV2 of 50MPa. The soil configuration was composed of 35 cm of 31.5/50 ballast.
Solution implementation
A pre-study by the team defined the optimal solution to reach the 50Mpa goal using the TriAx solution.
Calculations were done with Tensarpave software.
Product solution
The TriAx TX 130 was installed under drivable paths, storage areas, and roadways, covered with a 35 cm layer of 31.5/50 ballast.
This approach successfully achieved the 50 MPa bearing capacity target.
The TriAx solution not only stabilizes structures but also extends their lifespan while reducing the frequency of roadway maintenance. The TX 130 is a polypropylene stabilization system with rigid triangular meshes and a secant modulus of 275 kN/m.
It is produced from a perforated and elongated polypropylene sheet, forming highly resistant nodes.
Its triaxial shape effectively confines aggregates, ensuring efficient mechanical interlocking.