Geosynthetics provide many benefits over traditional construction techniques where soils, subbases, subgrades, foundations, slopes and trafficked surfaces are constructed. By reducing traditional stone construction layers; the use of geogrids, geocells and geotextiles have become the engineered, environmental and cost-effective solution for such civil engineering projects.
ABG has an extensive range of geosynthetics used in reinforcement and stabilisation applications; including surface reinforcement, slope stabilisation and sub-base stabilisation.
ABG’s experienced technical team of Civil Engineers are able to provide a stabilisation design and technical support service for all applications, ensuring that the correct product solution is supplied. This includes over 30 years’ design expertise, utilising carbon saving geogrid reinforcement to reduce the volume of subgrade aggregate required.
Typical applications
Soil stabilisation
Ground stabilisation
Basal reinforcement
Roadway sub-base reinforcement
Steep slope stabilisation
Tree root protection
Logistics parks & housing estates
Reinforcement for car parks and access roads
Reduces the depth of the sub-base
Strengthens sub-base construction
Cost-effective alternative to stone
Reduction in stone transportation costs
Geotextiles provide filtration & separation functions
Geogrids help reduce sub-base thickness
Geocells reinforce slopes and embankments
Strengthen weak soils in horizontal applications
ABG supply a range of geosynthetic product solutions that provide reinforcement and stabilisation for soils, slopes and sub-bases:
Abgrid biaxial geogrid is used in a range of civil engineering applications such as ground reinforcement, subbase aggregate reduction, basal reinforcement, paved and unpaved road foundations, permeable paving construction, retaining walls and steep-sided soil embankments.
Road Foundation Design using CD225
According to the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) document CD 225 revision 1 (2020), clause 2.7, Note 2: “Options for improvement of the subgrade include excavation and replacing between 500 to 1,000 mm of the soft subgrade with granular fill, mechanical stabilisation (geogrids and/or geotextiles) and soil stabilisation”.
ABG can design a stabilised foundation solution to compensate for lower CBR strength values (i.e. less than 2.5%) and achieve the foundation class requirements. The design for all foundation areas shall be based on achieving a foundation class selected from Table 3.7 in CD225 :
Email: for a free CD 225 Design Assessment
Geogrid Reinforced Flexible Pavement Design using AASHTO method
ABG can offer a stabilised, reduced road foundation thickness for weak subgrade conditions by incorporating the benefits of geosynthetics in terms of improved layer stiffness/improved drainage conditions within the AASHTO pavement design method. The AASHTO method assumes that the strength of the subgrade and the unbound layers will remain fairly constant over the design life of the pavement. For this assumption to be correct, the pavement structure must have excellent drainage.
The drainage performance of the unbound foundation layers can be improved significantly by introducing ABG’s bespoke, long-life drainage geocomposite products that enhance the trafficking life of the whole pavement and reduces the overall cost of the project.
Flexible Pavement Project Design Service
Submit your flexible pavement design request via our Design Solutions form.
Geotextiles help reduce sub-base thickness and provide a filtration and separation function. Terrex NW geotextiles provide ground stabilisation by separating angular stone layers within a constructed sub-base. By allowing water to percolate through, sub-bases are stabilised as the intermixing of different construction layers and subgrades is prevented.
Abtex SG 60-60 is a high performance, woven geotextile engineered for soil reinforcement applications and for strengthening a wide range of soils by spreading and confining angular aggregate layers so that weakening of the subgrade is prevented.
Typical geocell design applications include pavements, retaining walls, slope stability and embankment construction. Geocells provide an added advantage to planar reinforcement, with the three dimensional honeycomb cell structure providing a confinement system when infilled with compacted fine soils or aggregates and subjected to surcharge loads.
Abweb geocell and Abweb TRP (Tree Root Protection) geocell act as a load spreader when vehicles or heavy machinery is trafficking over the system. The three dimensional geocell mattress also helps to mitigate differential settlement into soft soils, improves shear strength and enhances load-bearing capacity. The installation of the Abweb geocells reduces the amount of aggregates required and the service life of the paved/unpaved roads is extended.
Abweb geocell Abweb TRP geocell
The Erosaweb system provides stabilisation for earth slope structures where vegetation growth may be difficult. The system mitigates against potential erosion forces and contains the soil fill, with the perforated pockets allowing drainage in order for root systems to successfully establish. ABG’s experienced Engineers can help with selecting the right geocell product to meet the project’s specific requirements. Erosaweb geocell illustration
The Webwall geocell system for constructing steep slopes (up to 70°) creates a sustainable green retaining wall to resist backfill pressure and the loadings imposed onto the crest of the structure. The Webwall system can meet the aesthetic demands of architects and engineers where a green slope face is desired. It is installed and backfilled in layers, with site won fill generally suitable, in order to form a mechanically stabilised soil structure. Depending on the height, loadings and geometry of the crest, geogrids may also be specified as part of the Webwall design. Webwall application illustration
Webwall Project Design Service
Submit your Webwall retaining wall project request via our Design Solutions form.
The ConcertinaWeb system is a long-term, cost effective option for preventing road side verge failures and material scatter in the event of vehicle over-run. Concertinaweb function diagrams
Typical Client Profile
Highway Engineers
Civil Engineering Contractors
Landscape Architects
Rail Engineers
Local Authorities
Parks and Private Estates
Project Design Service
Submit your reinforcement / stabilisation project design request via our Design Solutions form.
Case studies
Additional information
Contact Teragéos for further information
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